About Me

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Solon, Iowa
Full-time working Mom on her way to San Francisco for the Nike Women's Marathon with her sister, Robin. And we are helping Leukemia Lymphoma Society on the way!
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My Personal Cheering Squad

My Personal Cheering Squad
This is my team

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

End Child Hunger Too!

While I am currently fundraising for LLS, I was extremely lucky to be a part of another volunteer opportunity today.  I work for a food ingredient distributor who donated 2,150 pounds of flour, red rice, & pasta (all bulk) to our local food pantry.  And it gets better.  49 people from my office donated their lunch hour today to repackage these 20-50 pound bags and boxes into smaller containers, like a quart size ziplock.  Each smaller package was labeled with the date, what it contained & how to cook it.  These were then put into boxes.  They will be loaded & delivered by my coworkers as well.

I challenge everyone who reads this to find someway to donate your time this month.  Trust me- it will make you feel AWESOME!